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For Exhibiting

Leveraging the brand exposure to be obtained from our Metaverse Asia Expo 2022, interested parties have the option to choose from 5 different, uniquely-designed virtual exhibition booths to further capture the attention of participants.

Watch the video below to learn more about our expo's exhibiting benefits!

Premium Spaces

Our "Premium Space" offer includes the provision of one virtual space consisting of standard fixtures such as mediaboards, chairs, and screens. It is all for you to exhibiting your products/services and you are able to enjoy your private events.

Booth Packages

The MAE 2022 offers three types of designed booth package, from Standard Booth, Deluxe Booth to Prestige Booth for exhibitors. You are easily to present your products/services by the provided mediaboard and interact to every visitors.  

Exhibitors can drive great Awareness and Business success through the Metaverse Booths. A-B-C-D-E-F benefits for exhibitors:

A = Awareness: Obtain significant brand awareness riding on the buzzword of Metaverse. Get autonomy of online experience using 1st-person vision to interact inside your spacious booth with your targets / partners / clients through your avatars or face (shared by camera). You can display your brand and products in your own booth space.
B = Buzz Marketing:  Leverage the Metaverse booth or space to create unique and engaging event campaigns using your avatars as influencers for more effective call-to-actions and meeting your sales / marketing goals.   
C = Convenience: Travel to the Metaverse booths by simply using your PC or Laptop. AR or VR headsets are not mandatory. 
D = 3D Virtual Booth. MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) style of engagement and 360 degrees sales experiences.
E = ESG: Instantaneous movement from one space to another, effectively removing geographical constraints. Zero need for post-event management of physical booth materials. 
F = Fun: Engaging your targets / prospects / clients through gamified experiences that improve overall intimacy and emotional experiences.

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Event Management Company

GreatMeta Limited

24/F, Tung Wai Commercial Building

109-111 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Whatsapp:  +852-9555-3903

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© 2022 by GreatMeta Ltd

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